Diary of Noah Hearle on June 2002
Jess broken up :: Saturday, June 29 2002 |
Woke up to Carl asking about CGI directories, it was nearly midday, so its fair enough.
Jess came up the hill to see me after ending her 3-year relationship with Rob. They have argued before, but this time I think its permanent. I hope they remain friends, but as lovers its no longer good for either of them. It would be nice if everything that will be going to Russia in August remain friends, rather than unhappy ex's. We watched some Simpsons together then went down to the Red Roaster for some great coffee.
Sheona met up with us after I texted her. She phoned earlier, but I couldn't reply and she couldn't phone me as her phone was playing up again. I found the Telegraph newspaper interesting reading, finding out about the crime-ridden Rio and Bush's complacency on anything non-American. Last night I found out that the US government subsidise their farmers by over 200 billion dollars, while the G8 summit revealed that they wouldn't even help African nations to the sum of 6 billion. How tight is that, do they care nothing about the rest of the world at all?
I register the domain name sparkandsons.co.uk to piss off my soon-to-be ex-estate agents. They should have registered the name ages ago, but only took the .com, much to their loss.
Sheona, Jess and I, along with her new date: Said, went to a party in Kemptown. I brought some icy vodka along and met several decent people there. The music, however, wasn't decent, with a fragmented line-up of Regge.
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yet more exams! :: Tuesday, June 25 2002 |
Another early morning and this time revision is the only option, well actually, cramming right until the Sport's Hall door. Not much of what I crammed seemed to actually pay off in the exam, I think I was just slightly less confused than I would have been otherwise.
The afternoon consisted of pool playing at the Grapevine among the groans of World cup followers as Germany go through to the finals. Alison claimed see won her first game against two other people on the table.
I met Sheona at Monsoon then got a sandwich at Naseem's and sat on the beach for an hour. she gained a really good tan since I last saw her the day before, I was amazed. Earlier that day she was offered a job at Debenhams, even before she sat down at the interview. Afterwards, we returned to my flat to watch season 1 Simpsons on DVD. Simpsons always make the moment, moreso when accompanied with strawberries and Apple Scnapps.
Jess, Sheona, Ross and I later had a drink at the King and Queen to the background sounds of Kareokee. The games of table football were cool, especially when I won 3 on 1.
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Numerical madness :: Saturday, June 22 2002 |
Woke up early twice by the postman delivering parcels. One of them was from play.com with a DVD Freddy Got Fingered from Tom Green.
The Number Theory revision is completely insane, parts of the questions are dead easy, but there's always the other part that is difficult to understand what is required. Perhaps its just a sad reflection of my lack of attendence (one lecture) during the two-term course or, more likely, the crap blabberying and scrawls from Dr. Lewis. I wish the whole NT students would walk out in protest, partly against the lecturing and partly because I probably won't do very well in the allocated 2 hours.
Contrary to all past papers, both Number Theory papers introduced some completely new exam material containing whole chunks of unmentionned material. There were no mock exam papers like this. Other people complained about the paper, even the well prepared people failed to answer more than one question fully.
I played pool with James at the Grapevine for the remainder of the afternoon. He won more times than me, but also had a great knack for potting both the white and black on the final stroke.
Got home to find Carl watching my latest DVD, Rollerball. I bought it because it hasn't even been released for the cinema in the UK yet. The movie wasn't very coherent and lacked a decent plot and any sign of intriguing characters.
The series 24 from midday to 4pm shows tonight, worth staying in for.
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England out :: Friday, June 21 2002 |
Got up at the ludicrously early hour of seven to watch England lose to Brazil, The Brazilian side scored two excellent goals, each even more impressive than England's first. The crowd at the King and Queen stood silent on each of the two unfortunate occasions. Afterwards, some idiot let his anger out on one of the TVs by throwing a pint glass at it, causing the TV to explode showering people in broken TV. Sheona, her mum, Richard and I left quickly to avoid any more aggrevation.
We all went to the Phillip de France for breakfast then lied on the beach for a few hours. I felt a little tired but the rocks weren't too comfortable for a short nap. We introduced Sheona's mum to the Red Roaster with a bowl of Café au lait.
Revision again for a mad Number Theory exam. The papers aren't listed under Mathematics, so it took a few emails, ICQ messages and a phone call to get some past papers to look at. Even the 2000 paper was missing. Dr. Lewis is probably to most inept lecturer I have ever seen. I had no idea what he was writing or talking about in the revision lecture last week. I hope the exam will make more sense than his exam notes! I am not sure if Dr. Lewis read this week's badger, because his name ended up in it - students stereotypically say, "I had no idea what Dr. Lewis was talking about" after his lectures. Nice.
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Its all about groups in some way :: Thursday, June 20 2002 |
Yet another cramming session on Albelian groups, alternating groups, dihedral groups, homomorphisms, conjegate groups, cyclic groups, quotient groups and, of course, Normal groups.
Arrived in the badger office today to find this (see left). Its not usually this bad, but it appears that the last issue must have released some animal-like tensions within the team, or more likely Jess was tidying up.
The Group Theory Exam wasn't too hard, but more difficult than the practice paper I completed just hal an hour before. I can't beleive that I couldn't remember the poxy definition of a dihedral group, it is the shortest definition in the exam! All the groups seem to be too similar to differentiate between the different sets, subsets, elements and mappings that move them around a bit.
The badger website has now been updated (a little) to bring it forward into the current year. Check this out for yourself at badger.ussu.info. One day I'll be able to rely on other people to update this, without my intervention. What an unrealistic vision.
I met with Sheona's mother later in the afternoon and we all got into her little green car to drive to East Slope. I was starving so I ate anything edible that was on sale at the bar and in the grocery. I continued the munching when I cooked a vegetarian curry with Charlie. The Pav Tav was OK tonight, with the manager of the Red Roaster starting the DJ line up.
Anyway, its only 5 hours till kick off, so shower and bed.
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Counting coffee coins :: Wednesday, June 19 2002 |
Discovered the owner of the Red Roaster café don't mind us having large free coffees because we "spend a lot of money". Actually, for busy students we don't appear to do much work because we are always going there.
Charlie found a copy of Boyz on the magazine stand, she read that while I read the Guardian... ok, we both checked out the stupid photo-ads at the back. Personally I found the Korean reaction to their first round victory against Italy more amusing. Everyone there went crazy when they beat the favoured team with huge crowds taking to the streets and even a TV station showing continuous repeats of the two goals. Their golden goal was delivered by an Italian league footballer. Will he ever get to play in Italy again after this? Sheona wasn't too interested as they are her favourites, on par England.
I have wanted to create this site for a long time and it should help me go though my seven remaining Maths exams a little easier. Well, at the moment it's having the opposite effect causing me to spend time on something other than Group Theory. A nice hot curry should deal with any immediate anxiety (actually hunger). If I am to go out to an Italian restaurant later this evening, I might as well go on a full stomach. OK, I'll be mentionning food quite a lot here, so if you don't appreciate this, the visit somewhere else.
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September 2002

August 2002

July 2002

June 2002

