Diary of Noah Hearle on August 2002
Emma is in :: Thursday, August 15 2002 |
This afternoon I met up with Emma for a second time. It was really interesting chatting to her about things like hunting in Canada, how old people's views often halt positive change and the effects of brothers and sisters when one goes to university. I was surprise to hear that she would like to visit Cornwall with me next week when I return for a few days before going to the Reading Festival. Just before she went back to her brother's place, I remembered to ask the vital question: "Are you serious about living with us?" and she responded, "Yes". Brilliant.
Later in the evening, Matthew, one of the previous potentials, rang my mobile and I told him that he didn't make it. The conversation was rather short, even though I wanted to say something else, but I really couldn't think of anything other than, "Good luck finding a place".
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Pair of potential flatmates :: Tuesday, August 13 2002 |
Finally, the first pair of people to check out the flat as the Friday deadline draws near. Sheona and I met up with them after a wait at the internet café in St. James's Street. Michael, the one I spoke to from Bournemouth, was pleasant enough, asking the right questions as he looked around. Mike, his friend, on the hand, was very reserved and spoke so quietly that you could hardly hear what he was saying and you had to ask him to repeat every sentence. Sheona decided to snatch the southern-most room on the top floor after momentarily going for the bedroom on the corner. It looks like I will have this room, that has a good view at least, but I must get hold of a double bed when I move in.
Sheona and I went to the Druid's Head in the Lane's where I slurped on my vodka and her on JD and coke. A guy collecting money for a sponsored walk came and chatted to us about the lack of money and education available to people out of work. I grabbed a Grubb's before catching a 50A bus with Sheona.
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Shit happens to a seagull :: Sunday, August 4 2002 |
Does a lot of dreams mean a good night's sleep? I remember having 4 dreams last night, well, this morning to be more precise. I am jumping out of bed around midday now, I need something or someone to get me up earlier, but all my mates are either working or away.
On returning from the Savings 4 U Club, I saw a young seagull get knocked down by a van. Two boys who were close to it thought it was dead as it was upside down on the side of the road. In the end they kick it onto its legs, where it started walking about again, but you could see that the wing was broken. It went to the other side of the road and tried to fly away without suceeding. Then, a dog in the park on the other side of the road saw the seagull and grabbed it in its mouth and started biting the thing. Then the owner called it back and it dropped it on its back in the middle of the park. It looked pretty motionless after that. Even though I don't like seagulls at all, it was pretty hard luck so many things happening to a bird in such a short space of time. I must admit that it made me grin for a while afterwards, it was something similar to seeing something bad happening to someone on television, like on You've Been Framed.
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Piano thoughts :: Thursday, August 1 2002 |
I want to play the piano again as I have done so for several weeks, woke up thinking of some tunes that I could improvise on the Red Roaster piano. The music was probably too complicated to play, and I never end up playing it as I imagined anyway.
The DVD of Resident Evil arrived in the post. I brought it online after enjoying the film earlier in the week. I love ordering DVDs in from the US, its satisfying having movies, sometimes before they arrive in the UK. Don't mention Div X here, you simply cannot compare the two formats, even good Div X falls short of a bad DVD and even then it has no bonus material.
Charlie called me as I was being served at the Red Roaster with news that she won second prize in the raffle at work. She won a £500 television from Argos and was trying to work out what to do with it.
I cleared out my room, mostly repackaging Charlie's stuff compactly in boxes, then placing them in unused cupboards. Now I have the whole room to myself with no clutter.
I talked to Anne about her birthday which is next Tuesday, 6th August. Its the big five-oh so it should be special, half a century, one twentieth of a millenia, and so forth... The family are going to take out Jonathan's boat along the Fal Estuary on Monday. Anne asked if I could return in time for the trip, but I said it was unlikely unless I travelled tomorrow (Sunday would mean I was exhausted on Monday and the trains are shit). Also, I really want to bring along some friends from Brighton this time. Its about time that people saw Cornwall as somewhere other than the tourist hell-hole of Newquay.
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September 2002

August 2002

July 2002

June 2002

